Saturday, 27 December 2014

PHYSICS: The Vortex - Stretch the Mind - A little speculation never hurts.

Vortices are seen in nature, ranging from the bath plug drain to a hurricane and many places in between. They are a concentrator of energy, collecting it from across a wide area and bringing it into a very energetic point. A tornado is a graphic example of the ability of a vortex to collect energy over a large area or volume and bring it to a devastatingly powerful focus.

The vortex has a special geometry which could be described as a non-linear analogue of an implosion. It collects and concentrates energy. Our industrial science has, to date, relied upon the geometry of explosions to power our energy needs. This, in physics terms, means that we use the conversion of a potential energy to an energy of motion to power our machinery. An internal combustion engine converting the chemical energy of fuel to motion is an obvious example.

A vortex is also the geometry of a spiral galaxy, which is in fact a flow of mass from a wide volume to a small one. It is a flow of mass or a current of mass, which is concentrated by the vortex geometry to a point of higher energy and lower motion at the centre of the galaxy. So a galaxy is a gravitational vortex. The mass current may be the cause of the gravity field just as an electric current is the cause of the electric field.

Einstein's 'warp in space-time' as a description of gravity amounts to the same thing. It causes mass energy to spiral in toward another larger mass energy. A vortex (non linear implosion) returns motion to the state of energy, whereas an explosion converts energy to a state of motion. The two states of the same energy are interdependent and mathematically reciprocal. A simple example is the relationship between the potential and kinetic energy of a mass within a gravity field.

A vortex is perhaps the only geometry where every point in it is accelerating away from every other point, if the angular velocity and angular acceleration of matter are included in the consideration.
That is the same information obtained from the measure of red shift data of distant galaxies, which have an increasing velocity. When viewed with a linear mindset it is impossible to comprehend. It is possible that the geometry of the universe may be a vortex, just like a galaxy, but too big to be seen.

The vortex geometry could explain how the universe might return to the singularity (point energy) from whence the last 'big bang' started about 14 billion years ago. How long that cycle takes is an interesting, if largely irrelevant question.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

A Quantum Quandary

The Planck Constant has long been used in many calculations in quantum physics for the determination of values such as for energy, wavelength, momentum, and frequency. It is among other constants such as mass, length, time, electric charge determined by Max Planck as the smallest value (quantum) that these measures can be. ( For example the formula for the quantum of time is stated as Planck Time equals the square root of the reduced Planck Constant times the Gravitation Constant divided by the Speed of Light raised to the fifth power and equals 5.391 x 10-44 seconds. This is the 'quantum of time'.) Planck's work in the early 20th century has been accepted as correct by mainstream science for many decades.
The commonly used reduced Planck Constant is stated as (approximately) 1.054 x 10-34 Joule.sec. It is described as the 'quantum of action' or the smallest unit which can cause a change in motion. When the SI (mks) unit Joule.sec is converted to S-T(space-time) units it becomes energy t/s times time t and equals t2/s. This is the S-T unit which describes Inertia. and its reciprocal, s/t2, describes Acceleration. Acceleration is therefore at its maximum when its reciprocal, inertia, is at the minimum possible to produce an action, which is what a 'quantum' means. The implication is that 1/ 1.054x10-34 is the maximum possible acceleration and that equals 9.487 x 1033 N/kg (or m/sec2). The mathematics which point to the existence of unity between inertia and acceleration (refer previous post on Mass, Gravity and Unity) also imply, from the quantum values which are the smallest indivisible quantities, that there are also maximum values whose limits are imposed by their reciprocal minimums.

Quantum theory currently does not allow a value for inertia less than the Planck constant, which based on the foregoing, also defines a maximum acceleration.
The theoretical maximum acceleration provides a theoretical limit to the rate of expansion of the universe. This view may possibly be challenged by science in the future, but for now may be mandated by Planck's work.
As an example of potential problems with Planck measurement, current physics has a problem with inconsistent values for the radius of a proton. The two available methods of measurement give a significantly different result. Both results do, however, agree that the radius of a proton is smaller than the Planck length, which is supposed to be the quantum of distance, yet a particle appears to have a smaller size than the quantum of distance. It is not clear what, if anything is a fundamental, and begs the question 'Why is a proton so small?'

Monday, 23 June 2014

PHYSICS: The Table of Space-Time Relativity may be to Physics what the Periodic Table is to Chemistry.

Table of Space -Time Relativity
Michael J. Bull 2013

                      MOTION                             SPACE EXPANSION                           MATTER

mass current


top quark
bottom quark
tau neutrino
magnetic current

charm quark
strange quark
muon neutrino
Δ accel,
moment of accel.
Δ speed,
elec current
elec quantity capacitance C

elec quantity
capacitance C
up quark
down quark
electron neutrino



of time

S0/T0 = 1

T0 S0 = 1




of time

T - 4
T - 3
T - 2
T - 1
1/T0 S0 = 1

T0/S0 = 1
anti electron neutrino
anti electron (positron)
anti down quark
anti up quark


electric energy
moment of inertia
anti muon neutrino
anti muon
anti strange quark
anti charm quark


elect potential V
magnetic energy
elec resitivity σ
anti tau neutrino
anti tau
anti bottom quark
anti top quark


elect field intensity E
elec resis R
magnetic potential
anti W-boson
anti Z-boson
anti photon
anti gluon


magnetic intensity H
mag resist μ
             ANTI – MATTER                         SPACE CONTRACTION                       ENERGY
Motion and Energy, Matter and Anti-Matter are mathematically reciprocal and conservative of the energy contained therein. Quantities unknown to science are marked with '?'. Space-Time units of measure can be readily verified from SI units of measure. Axes describe expansion and contraction of both Space and Time and the Table shows the results of that relative interaction. The S-T product describes the Standard Model of particle physics which is well understood, while the S-T ratio describes the known quantities of physics. The S-T Table predicts the relationship between ratios and provides a guide as to the relationship of known to unknown energies and motions. The principle of unity is well supported by the mathematics of reciprocosity between Motion and Energy, Matter and Anti-Matter.

Monday, 9 June 2014

PHYSICS: Variable Space and Time

It is possible, but as yet only conjecture, that there is a relativity between space and time if both are considered variable.
  Newtonian physics may be a special case where both space and time are constant ; Einsteinian physics a case where space is variable and time is constant ; and Quantum physics where both space and time are variable. The former two are then contained within the latter.
   A study of natural vortices, such as tornados, hurricanes, galaxies and black holes suggests that they concentrate energy by contracting the space factor. Mass energy with the Space-Time units t3/s3 would therefore increase as s3 decreased, and observation supports that proposition. Using similar logic, if time decreased relative to space, then so would mass energy. This is supported by the mathematics in Section 2 (of a paper by this author titled 'Mass, Gravity and Unity' not yet published) where t = mr/F, and also by the algebra of the S-T unit for mass. Then, from the S-T unit for mass energy t3/s3, expansion of space (which is not a new idea) reduces mass energy. The corollary to that is that it also increases the G-field value, which S-T unit is s3/t3. The Dark Matter and Dark Energy hypotheses look less likely to be relevant if the relativity between space and time is variable by space, time or by both. Mathematics explain the anomalies in observed gravity effects without the Dark hypotheses.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

PHYSICS: About Time – a clue from Mathematics – Is Varying Time Impossible?

It has always been difficult to consider the nature of time because it is difficult to define it in terms of other quantities which are readily understood. There seems always to be a problem with one or more of the other quantities because they are also time dependent, and a circular discussion which leads nowhere ensues through the mathematics.

There is a way around this circularity by using a different SI unit of measure for acceleration. The measure most common is metres per second per second, m/s2 in most physics texts. There is another measure available to consider, from a previous paper by this author :-

From Newton's second law of motion, that is F = ma, then mathematically a = F/m from which SI units a evidently has units of measure Newtons per Kilogram ( F newtons divided by m kilograms). Acceleration can be measured in N/kg in addition to the more commonly used m/sec2 .

An alternative unit of measure for acceleration also offers another set of Newtonian equations. They represent an alternative approach to calculating quantities seen in Newtonian physics.
For example, given the alternative measures for acceleration N kg -1 = ms-2, then mathematically                    s-2 = N kg-1 m-1, therefore s2 = kg m N -1 and s = (kg.m / N) which in English says that time equals the square root of (mass times length divided by force).

This is as difficult as the maths gets and the equation for time is t = ( m r / F ).

The SI unit of measure for time from this equation is ( kg.m / N )½ . None of these quantities involve the use of time in their definition in SI units of measure, hence the circularity mentioned above is no longer a problem. If these SI units are converted to space-time units the result is t, confirming their validity. (For those with a mathematical mind, in S-T units kg.m/N equals ( t3/s3 x s / t/s2)½ = t .)

Looking at this equation for time, if it is assumed that the element r/F remains constant for the moment, then time varies as the square root of the mass, or t = m.k where k is the constant r/F.

Albert Einstein has already proven to the satisfaction of most scientists that mass is a form of energy. It then follows that so it is the case with time because of its direct relationship to mass as outlined above. Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity does allow for a variability in both time and mass within the supporting mathematics, relating velocity referenced to the speed of light. That is consistent with the factor r/F, r (distance) divided by F (force) which, from the above equation for time, is the other factor relevant to the variation of time when mass is constant.
If it is assumed that time t = 0 means that time has stopped and t = 1 means that time passes as we perceive it, as a measure of the Earth's orbit, then to change time to a point somewhere above 0 would mean a change of mass as the square root of the time change. If mass equaled 0 so would time, and if mass were at its natural value both would equal 1. The ability to alter mass would theoretically relate as outlined by the above equation to the ability to change time. The mathematics might state the above as Δt = (Δm.k)½. ( delta, Δ, means 'a change of ') So for example, if a mass were changed from 1 kg to ½ kg, then the associated time change would equal t = (½.k)½ or 0.707 k (slower time); or if mass were doubled from 1 kg to 2 kg then  t = (2.k)½ or 1.414 k (faster time). The above equation for time does not allow for a negative value for t. The square root of a negative number is, in mathematics, called an imaginary number - which suggests that time does not run in reverse, at least in our part of the universe. That is consistent with observation.

In summary, time could theoretically be altered in two ways, one as outlined by Special Relativity relating to the velocity of an observer compared with the speed of light, and the other by changing the observer's mass. Mathematically both amount to the same thing, the two are connected indirectly by the maths of Special Relativity Theory, but are connected directly by the equation for time, t = (mr/F).

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Dark Matter

I have been accused of trolling, banned from a Google Science community and abused for daring to question the hypothesis called 'Dark Matter'. It is difficult to get a point across regarding a reasonably complex mathematical explanation where many would rather look at pictures than read and comprehend something they may have little interest in, or to others with an interest but a closed mind. Here is the concept, without the maths or too much detail. (More complex details are available in a previous post called 'Physics, Mathematics, Unity, Gravity and Space-Time' on my profile.)

The puzzle of the areas of the cosmos (observed from Earth) which appear to have a high gravity field intensity without the commensurate volume of matter has led to the hypothesis called 'Dark Matter' as an explanation of the elevated gravity field. This hypothesis possibly arises from the misconception that matter is the source of the gravity field. If Mass times Motion is the source of the gravity field, (just as Charge times Motion is the source of the electric field) then there is no inconsistency, keeping in mind that the relativity of the observer applies when the observation is made.
For example, a cluster of stars in a galaxy spiral arm on the opposite side of the galaxy would have a higher relative motion than a similar cluster on the same side and arm of the galaxy as the observer, with a correspondingly higher apparent gravity field. If only the amount of mass were considered, the strength of its gravity field would appear inconsistently high, and lead to an assumption of additional (invisible) mass.
This explanation of Dark Matter is consistent with General Relativity Theory. The only concept which is different from current thought is the hypothesis regarding the source of the gravity field. This hypothesis is supported by observation of the spatially related fields of electricity and magnetism and the mathematical relationships between them.

PHYSICS, Mathematics, Unity, Gravity and Space-Time

Following previous studies on the nature of the forces in physics within the universe, a pattern of mathematical unity between complimentary quantities has become apparent.This becomes most apparent when energy and its fields are expressed in space-time (S-T) units of measure as outlined in a previous paper entitled 'Theoria Omnia – A work in Progress'.

An analysis, initially aimed at a more comprehensive understanding of inertia in an earlier paper, has carried past those mathematical conclusions to suggest a wider application of the results therein. The following is a summary of the case of unity between acceleration, a, and inertia, ί.

Inertia and Acceleration

There does not appear to be any meaningful quantification of inertia in the current or past physics literature, however inertia is easily quantified from Newton's Laws. The relationship between acceleration caused by gravity or any acceleration, a, and inertia can be quantified mathematically from Newton's Second Law of Motion, F = ma, in combination with the Equivalence Principle, which establishes an invariable mathematical product between the two, given that different masses accelerate at the same rate in the same gravity field. Let the Greek lower case letter iota, ί, be assigned to inertia for algebraic purposes and avoid confusion with other quantities using I or i .
From F = ma, a = F/m from which SI units a evidently has units Newtons per Kilogram, (N/kg in addition to the more commonly used m/sec2) . From the Equivalence Principle, a is proportional to ί , and that proportionality is apparently a simple reciprocal relationship a = 1/ί and ί = 1/a . ί has the units kg / N. The following examples demonstrate the above relationship:
  1. if a mass of 20 kg has an acceleration of a = 10 N/kg, from F = ma, the force is 200 N. As a = F/m, the inertia ί = m/F = 20/200 = 0.1 kg/N.                  a x ί = 1
  2. if a mass of 15 kg has an acceleration of a = 1 N/kg, force is 15 N and the inertia ί = m/F = 15/15 = 1 kg/N.                                                                a x ί = 1
  3. if a mass of 40 kg has an acceleration of a = 0.1 N/kg, the force is 4 N and the inertia, ί = m/F = 40/4 = 10 kg/N.                                                                a x ί = 1

The lower the acceleration the higher the inertia and vice versa. The force per unit mass determines the acceleration, and the mass per unit force determines the inertia.

Regardless of mass, a ί = 1, which is why different masses accelerate at the same rate in the same gravitational field. Scientific experiment has so far never been able to disprove the Equivalence Principle.”

The General Equation for the Equivalence Principle of acceleration and inertia is a ί = 1

The above analysis of the alternative unit of measure for acceleration from a = F/m, newtons per kilogram, opens the way for the expression of Newtonian physics equations in a different form:

Newtonian Equations expressed using Acceleration units as N/kg instead of m/s2

An alternative unit of measure for acceleration also offers another set of Newtonian equations. They represent an alternative approach to calculating quantities seen in Newtonian physics.
For example, given the alternative measures for acceleration N kg -1 = ms-2, then s-2 = N kg-1 m-1, therefore s2 = kg m N -1 and s = (kg.m / N) which in English says that time equals the square root of (mass times length divided by force).

Symbols used are F = force, m = mass, a = acceleration, ί (iota) = inertia, t = time, v = velocity, r = length, M = momentum, n = dimension number, c = the speed of light, g = gravity field, E = mass-energy and k denotes a constant. Symbols in SI units are force (N) newtons, mass (kg) kilograms, time (s) seconds, length (m) metres. Symbols in S-T units are s = space, t = time.

Quantity                                    Equation                             SI Unit                           Space-Time Unit
                                                                                                             (derived from these equations)

Time                                    t = ( m r / F )                       ( kg m / N )½                             t

Acceleration                        a = F / m                                 ( N / kg)                                   s/t2

Velocity                               v = Ft /m                                 ( N s / kg)                                s/t

Length                                r = Ft 2 / m                               ( N s2 / kg)                              s

Mass                                  m = F t 2 / r                              ( N s2 / m )                             t3/s3

Force                                  F = m r / t 2                              ( kg m / s2 )                            t/s2

Momentum                         M = F 2 t 3 / m r                         ( N2 s3 / kg m )                      t2/s2
Energy                               E = k m v2                                 ( kg m s-1)                             t/s

Space-Time Units show complete consistency in these modified Newtonian Equations, indicating that both the standard and modified Newtonian Equations and the Space-Time Units are correct and consistent, as predicted. It also verifies that the space-time unit for mass, t 3/s 3 is correct. This is key evidence supporting the interpretation of Mass and Gravity by Theoria Omnia and this paper.”

Derivation of Space-Time Units and Unity

The derivation of S-T units from SI units is self evident with a little thought, for example: Velocity equals distance divided by time which is expressed as s (space in one dimension) divided by time t, or s/t. Pressure is force divided by area, t/s2 x 1/s2 = t/s4. Similarly acceleration is s divided by t divided by t = s/t2. Acceleration can also be expressed as N/kg which in S-T units is force, t/s2 divided by mass t3/s3 or t/s2 x s3/t3 = s/t2 which is the same S-T result as the S-T units yield for m/s2. All SI units consistently yield equivalent S-T unit results, indicating that S-T units are both fundamental and verifiable.

From the above table of physical entities and their SI and S-T units, the mathematical reciprocal of energy (t/s), is, in the mechanical system, velocity s/t. In the electric system, charge is also t/s and its reciprocal is current, or electric field, s/t. This indicates that in the mechanical system energy's field is velocity and in the electric system electric charge's field is the electric field.
From the S-T units it can be seen that the product of energy and its field is unity.
It can also be seen that momentum t2/s2, is a two freedom analogue of energy, t/s. Magnetic charge also has the S-T unit t2/s2, and is the two freedom analogue of electric charge, and its reciprocal is the magnetic field s2/t2. The product of these is also unity.
Mass, t3/s3, is the three freedom analogue of energy and its field is the gravitational field s3/t3. The product of these is also unity.
The unity result does explain why it seems impossible to extract additional energy from electric, magnetic and gravity fields.

The Relationship between the Electric, Magnetic and Gravity Fields
To clarify what is meant by 'freedom', electric charge acts as a scalar motion attached to a particle along one axis of 3D space, magnetic charge along two axes, and mass charge along three axes of 3D space. In a mechanical system analogy, they equate to a line, an area and a volume. The axes do not denote a position in space, but a relative direction with respect to the other axes. It describes three scalar motions acting at right angles to the others, which accounts for the behaviour of an electric motor or generator, where the mass field (motion) magnetic field electric field (current). The dynamo uses motion to produce current and the motor uses current to produce motion.

The difference in energy between the degrees of freedom were calculated by Einstein as mc, that is, mass to magnetic = mc, magnetic to electric = mc, and mass to electric = mc2, which, from the foregoing, equates to mass to energy = mc2, or E = mc2. Conversely, the respective fields are represented by a difference in field intensity (per unit volume), the electric, E-field = 1/mc2 , the magnetic B-field = 1/mc and the gravity g-field = 1/m, verifiable by their S-T units. These equations indicate the energy (= 1/field) of the E-field exceeds the B-field which exceeds g-field per unit volume, which is indeed the case in our part of the cosmos. The corresponding volume of effect of these three fields is highest in the case of the g-field, followed by the B-field, then the E-field at the same time as their effective energy intensity per unit volume decreases. Again, the recipricosity between energy and field is apparent in the mathematics and the physics. For example mass has the highest energy (=mc2) and the weakest field per unit volume with the largest volume of effect, which is consistent with the mathematics of energy and its field.
The hypothesis that the above mentioned scalar motions which define electric charge, magnetic charge and mass charge, is supported by the operation of the dynamo and electric motor, the physics of which have no comprehensive explanation in mainstream physics texts to date. If an electric charge (scalar motion) in one degree of freedom were aligned to oppose or negate one degree of the three freedoms of mass charge scalar motion, the result would be a two freedom magnetic charge perpendicular to the negated degree of freedom. This is the case in the dynamo and motor. The matter which carries (i) electric charge is the copper conductor, (ii) magnetic charge is the iron of the stator and rotor and (iii) mass charge is carried by most matter and manifests as the motion of the rotor relative to the first two. The machine correctly aligns all 3 degrees of freedom to produce the desired result, electric charge (dynamo) or motion (motor). It is magnetism which enables the link between electric energy and mass energy while conserving energy input and output in that machine. The other known link between mass and energy, nuclear fission, does not conserve the energy in the same way and releases it to raise the entropy (disorder) of the system.

The physics of the dynamo/electric motor above imply that motion of electric charge (current) is the cause of the electric field, which is in fact a potential which can move a point charge within it. Similarly, the motion of mass charge is the cause of the gravity field which can move a mass within it. So if mass is moving through space relative to a given reference it creates a gravity field when observed from that reference point. That same gravity field can cause acceleration of another mass which is within the field, thereby creating a secondary gravity field. If the given reference were considered the centre of the Milky Way galaxy it can be seen why the Sun's gravity field and the Earth's gravity field are different yet at the same time contribute to the acceleration effect upon other planets of the solar system. They are also a part of the sum gravity field which belongs to the galaxy. Theoretically, one could start at the galaxy level and using the same logic, drill down to the particle level if the galaxy gravity field were to be analysed in detail. In the other direction, the macroscopic view which includes all of the galaxies would suggest that they are all in motion relative to each other and thus have a gravitational field generated by that relative motion. This accords with current theories of the motion of mass charge (which is carried by most particles of matter except neutrinos as far as we know) within the universe.

The summed effect of the gravity field caused by mass charge in relative motion would be simple compared to its constituent parts. The magnitude of the mass charge and of the motion would possibly be an analogue of that of the electric field strength and the magnitude of the charge within it, that is, the larger the current causing the field and the higher the point charge within it would determine the acceleration of that point charge, which in turn creates its own electric field by its motion. Additional complexity is added when a charged paricle exhibits circular motion, thereby creating a magnetic field and further electric induction effects.

It would seem from the above that most matter is affected and significantly connected by one or more of the three fields discussed. The gravity field is wider in its distribution because its energy, mass charge, is carried by most of the known fundamental particles in the universe, whereas it is mostly the electron which carries electric charge and photons which carry magnetic charge as far as we know. (Photons carry momentum, which has the same S-T unit as magnetic charge, t2/s2.) These observations make clear why, in S-T units, acceleration is not the same S-T unit as any of the fields.
A common misconception is that gravity and acceleration are the same thing, and that mass and matter are the same thing. Similarly, it is not an electron which travels through a conductor, but it is the scalar motion called 'charge' which does. That charge can be observed when held on the atoms of synthetic clothing, for example, where it is called a static charge.
   S-T units make these errors easy to detect and correct. In all probability matter does not create the gravity field, it is mass charge in motion which creates it. The magnitude of both mass charge and motion affect gravity field strength. This is consistent with the lower analogues of electricity and magnetism and consistent with observation, the electric dynamo and motor being a good demonstration.

Effects in the Cosmos

S-T units provide an insight into energies by relating the degrees of freedom of their energies to their spatial equivalent (Refer to Table 1 and Appendix 2 in 'Theoria Omnia' for a full list of S-T units for known quantities.) All of these are verifiable from their SI unit equivalent.
For example Electrical energy t/s acts in one spatial dimension, t/s divided by s = t/s x 1/s = t/s2 which is the S-T unit for force.
Magnetic energy acts in two spatial dimensions, t/s x t/s divided by area s2 = t/s x t/s x 1/s2 = t2/s4 which is the S-T unit for magnetic field intensity.
Gravitational energy acts in three spatial dimensions, t/s x t/s x t/s divided by volume s3 = t/s x t/s x t/s x 1/s3 = t3/s6 which is an unknown S-T unit.
The above S-T units for the three phenomena have in common a product difference between the successive degrees of freedom of t/s2 which is the S-T unit for Force. This suggests that the multiplication of an energy of a lower degree of freedom by force results in the next higher energy. For example electric energy times force yields magnetic energy, and magnetic energy multiplied by force yields gravitational energy. Force can be expressed as Mass x Acceleration (motion). This is consistent with the foregoing discussion of both charge and motion together creating a field.
The puzzle of the areas of the cosmos (observed from Earth) which appear to have a high gravity field intensity without the commensurate volume of matter has led to the hypothesis called 'Dark Matter' as an explanation. This hypothesis possibly arises from the misconception that matter is the source of the gravity field. If Mass times Motion is the source of the gravity field then there is no inconsistency, keeping in mind that the relativity of the observer applies when the observation is made.
For example, a cluster of stars in a galaxy spiral arm on the opposite side of the galaxy would have a higher relative motion than a similar cluster on the same side and arm of the galaxy as the observer, with a correspondingly higher apparent gravity field. If only the amount of mass were considered, the strength of its gravity field would appear inconsistently high, and lead to an assumption of additional (invisible) mass.
This explanation of Dark Matter is consistent with General Relativity Theory. The only concept which is different from current thought is the hypothesis regarding the source of the gravity field. This hypothesis is supported by observation of the spatially related fields of electricity and magnetism and the mathematical relationships between them.