Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Physics: Dimensions and Scalar Motion

Dimensions and Scalar Motion.
Paper 6

Michael J Bull, 2016.

This 6th Paper looks at the full spectrum of quantum numerical values up to and including the 4th dimension and explores the rather more complex mathematical nature of the calculated quantum values. The Paper clarifies the meaning of dimensions and considers the angles of scalar motion of the different dimensions, which in itself may be an insight to assist the mind to comprehend beyond the third spatial dimension.


1. Space-Time Measure and the Reference System

2. Tables of Motions and Energies – Quantum Numerical Values

3. Analysis of the Patterns from the Tables of Motions and Energies

4. Clarification of 'Dimensions'

5. Scalar Motions, Angles and Comprehension

The discussion of a variation of angles between scalar motions according to dimension does allow some resolution of the conceptual impasse most people experience beyond the 3rd dimension, however the effects of the different angles and numbers of possible scalar motions are not known. It is likely a prerequisite that some comprehension of the possible precedes its successful study, as evidenced by science fiction which evolves into science fact over time.

Space-Time Measure and the Reference System
(This Section is an edited shortened version of DB Larson's discourse on Space-Time units of measure, editing is in italics.)

The existence of scalar motion has been demonstrated (in prior work by others), and it is appropriate to examine the consequences of this existence. Some of the most significant consequences are related to the dimensions of this type of motion. The word “dimension” is used in several different senses, but in the sense in which it is applied to space it signifies the number of independent magnitudes that are required for a complete definition of a spatial quantity. It is generally conceded that space is three-dimensional. Thus three independent magnitudes are required for a complete definition of a quantity of space.

Throughout the early years of science this was taken as an indication that the universe is three-dimensional. Currently, the favoured hypothesis is that of a four-dimensional universe, in which the three dimensions of space are joined to one dimension of time. Strangely enough, there does not appear to have been any critical examination of the question as to the number of dimensions of motion that are possible. The scientific community has simply taken it for granted that the limits applicable to motion coincide with those of the spatial reference system. On reviewing this situation it can be seen that this assumption is incorrect. The relation of any one of the three space magnitudes to a quantity of time constitutes a scalar motion. Thus three dimensions of scalar motion are possible. But only one dimension of motion can be accommodated within the conventional spatial reference system. The result of any motion within this reference system can be represented by a vector (a one-dimensional expression), and the resultant of any number of such motions can be represented by the vector sum (likewise one-dimensional). Any motions that exist in the other two dimensions cannot be represented.

Here again is a shortcoming of the reference system. In an examination of the nature of scalar motion it can be seen that this type of motion cannot be represented in the reference system in its true character. The magnitude and direction attributed to such a motion in the context of the reference system is not specifically defined, but is wholly dependent on the size and position of the object whose location constitutes the reference point. It is then found that there are motions which cannot be represented in the reference system in any manner. It is therefore evident that the system of spatial coordinates that is used in conjunction with a clock as a system of reference for physical activity gives a severely limited, and in some respects inaccurate, view of physical reality.

In order to get the true picture one needs to examine the whole range of physical activity, not merely that portion of the whole that the reference system is capable of representing.

For instance, gravitation has been identified as a scalar motion, and there is no evidence that it is
subject to any kind of a dimensional limitation other than that applying to scalar motion in general.

It must therefore be concluded that gravitation can act three-dimensionally. Furthermore, it can be seen that gravitation must act in all of the dimensions in which it can act. This is a necessary consequence of the relationship between gravitation and mass.

The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted by a material particle or aggregate (a measure of its gravitational motion) is determined by its mass. Thus mass, m, is a measure of the inherent negative scalar motion content of the mass (as distinct from matter). (Larsen perpetuates the misunderstanding of mainstream physics between mass and inertia, however his logic remains valid.) It follows that motion of any mass m is a motion of a negative scalar motion. To produce such a compound motion, a positive scalar motion v (measured as speed or velocity) must be applied to the mass. The resultant is “mv,” now called momentum, but known earlier as “quantity of motion,” a term that more clearly expresses the nature of the quantity.

In the context of a spatial reference system, the applied motion v has a direction, and is thus a vector quantity, but the direction is imparted by the coupling to the reference system and is not an inherent property of the motion itself. This motion therefore retains its positive scalar status irrespective of the vectorial direction.

In the compound motion mv, the negative gravitational motion acts as a resistance to the positive
motion v. The gravitational motion must therefore take place in all three of the available dimensions, as any one of the three may be parallel to the dimension of the reference system, and there would be no effective resistance in any vacant dimension.
One may therefore identify the gravitational motion as three-dimensional speed, which can be expressed as s3/t3, where s and t are space and time respectively.
The inertial mass (the resistance that this negative gravitational motion offers to the applied positive motion) is then the inverse of this quantity, or t3/s3.

Since only one dimension of motion can be represented in three-dimensional spatial coordinate system, the gravitational motion in the other two dimensions has no directional effect, but its magnitude applies as a modifier of the magnitude of the motion in the dimension of the reference system.
(The S-T unit for mass was derived in Paper 1 by this author, independently of Larson's logic above, from another equation for mass, m = Ft 2/r, yielding the same S-T result, t 3/s 3.
Newton's F = ma yields the same result for mass also. m = F/a = t/s2 / s/t2 = t3/s3 .)

Now to a different kind of “dimension.” When physical quantities are resolved into component quantities of a fundamental nature, these component quantities are called dimensions. The currently accepted systems of measurement express the dimensions of mechanical quantities in terms of mass, length, and time, together with the dimensions (in the first sense) of these quantities.

But now that mass has been identified as a motion, a relation between space and time, all of the quantities of the mechanical system can be expressed in terms of space and time only. For purposes of the present discussion the word “space” will be used instead of “length,” to avoid implying that there is some dimensional difference between space and time. On this basis the “dimensions,” or “space-time dimensions” of one-dimensional speed are space divided by time, or s/t. As indicated above, mass has the dimensions t3/s3.

The product of mass and speed (or velocity) is t3/s3 × s/t = t2/s2. This is “quantity of motion,” or
momentum. The product of mass and the second power of speed is t3/s3× s2/t2 = t/s, which is energy. (By extension, the product of mass and gravity, t3/s3 x s3/t3 equals unity.) Acceleration, the time rate of change of speed, is s/t × 1/t = s/t2. Multiplying acceleration by mass, obtains t3/s3 × s/t2 = t/s2, which is force, the “quantity of acceleration,” it might be called.
(That is Newton's Second Law of Motion, F = ma (or t/s2 = t3/s3 x s/t2 = t/s2)

The dimensions of the other mechanical (and electro-magnetic) quantities are simply combinations of these basic dimensions.
( This section is edited and modified from published work by D.B. Larson. For further detail and original text by Larson refer Paper 1, Appendix 2, 'Mass, Gravity and Unity' at michaeljbull.blogspot.com.au or independent.academia.edu/MichaelBull1)

Motions and Energies Quantum Values M.J. Bull 2015
Table of Motions                                                                                                          Contraction of Space
c4 =
8.077596x 1034
4.354684x 10-9
2.347635x 10-53
1.265625x 10-96


6.823062x 10-140 m4
4.997898x 1069
mass current (gravity)
c3 = m3/sec3 =
2.694398x 1025
1.452565x 10-18
m3/s (cumecs)
7.830923x 10-62

4.221672x 10-105 m3

3.092377x 10104
1.667120x 1061
magnetic current
c2 = m2/sec2 =
8.957548x 1016
sc (= Gί = 1/F )
4.845242x 10-27

2.612099x 10-70 m2


c/t3 =
1.914383x 10138

change of acceleration
c/t2 =
1.031505x 1095
acceleration, Δv

c/t =
5.560912 x 1053
electric current
c = m/sec =
electric charge Q capacitance C
Sq = 1.616199x 10-35 m Quantum of length

1.183866x 10174
6.385696x 10129
3.440734x 1087
of Time
frequency (Hz)
1.854921x 1043

Minimum Values
Maximum Values

T - 4
T - 3
T - 2
T - 1
Table of Energies

Maximum Values
Minimum Values
time (sec)
Tq = 5.391063x 10-44 Quantum of time
2.906356x 10-87
of Time
1.566833x 10-131
8.446895x 10-175

6.187356x 1034

potential energy
electric energy
1/c =3.335643x 10-9
inertia ί
t/c = s2/m
1.798266 x 10-52

moment of inertia
t2/c = s3/m
9.694554x 10-97
5.226395x 10-140

3.828338x 1071

electric potential V
1/cs = sec/m2
2.063880x 1026
magnetic energy sec2/m2
electric resistivity σ
1/c2 = 1.12265x 10-17

5.998367x 10-62

3.233758x 10-105

2.368729x 10106

elect field intensity E
1/cs2 = sec/m3
1.276998x 1061
electric resistance R
magnetic potential
6.884371x 1017
mass energy
quantum = 1/c3
3.711404x 10-26

2.000841x 10-70

1.465617x 10141

pressure (sec/m4)
(1/cs3 = force/m2, energy/ m3)
7.890828x 1095
magnetic intensity H
4.253995x 1052
mag resistance μ
2.296378x 108

1.237992x 10-35
             Expansion of Space

Analysis of the Patterns from the Tables of Motions and Energies

The S-T values in the Table of Motions are expressed in metres per second (S/T) from index powers 1 to 4, each combination representing a different quantity, for example S/T is velocity while S/T2 is acceleration. The S/T configuration is related directly to SI units (MKS system) of measure and require no conversion, because metres/second already exist in SI units.

The S-T values in the Table of Energies are expressed in seconds per metre, T/S, which is not a unit of measure recognised in SI units. They are similarly differentiated by the index powers. Experimentation with the mathematics indicates that there is a difference factor between SI units and sec/metre of approximately 1018 regardless of the varying index powers. For example the quantum of inertia, T2/S, is 1.798 x 10-52 sec/m and in SI units is 6.629 x 10-34 J.sec, a difference of 3.686 x 1018. Other energies have a very similar difference between sec/m and their SI unit.

The values in darker yellow in the Motions table are minima and have their reciprocal maxima in the darker yellow in the Energies table. The lighter yellow values are the converse of the darker yellow values, so that the Motions and Energies each contain both minimum quantum and maximum quantum values. The pattern is clear if both tables are viewed in conjunction. The darker yellow values have their reciprocals in the other table's darker yellow areas, and similarly but conversely in the lighter yellow areas.
The same relationship applies to the greens of the space axis and magentas of the time axis.

The units of measure involving S, T and c are in red ink and are reached by substituting c for S/T, which is the speed of light. It was shown in Paper 3 that the speed of light is defined by the quantum of velocity (a maximum quantum value), which is itself derived from the quanta of length (S) and time (T), which are both minimum quantum values. That is why the speed of light is governed to what it is and is itself a maximum quantum value. The same logic would conclude that the maximum rate of acceleration would be 5.560912 x 1053 m/s2. Difficult to test physically but may have significance in the study of cosmology and the universe. Acceleration is reciprocal to inertia, the quantum value of which is the Planck Constant. (refer Paper 3)

There are physics progressions to be observed, especially in the Energies Table, where for example, electric potential, T/S2, transfers diagonally left to right to electrical resistance, which equates to magnetic potential, T2/S3, and one step further left to right magnetic resistance logically equates to mass potential, T3/S4. Some of these quantities have not yet been contemplated by mainstream science.

In both Tables,
The five horizontal rows from right to left increase at each column by a factor of 1044, T(q).
The five vertical columns from top to bottom increase at each row by a factor of 1035, S(q).
All the diagonals from top right to bottom left increase by a factor of 1079, T(q) x S(q).
All the diagonals from bottom right to top left increase by a factor of 109, T(q) / S(q).

1044 x 1035 = 1079
1044 / 1035 = 109
There is a consistency between consecutive space-time quantum values in any direction and a consistent reciprocity between minima and maxima. This relationship only becomes visible when S-T units of measure are used for known quantities.
In summary,
'The quantum values of Space (Sq), 1.616199 x 10-35 metres, and Time (Tq), 5.391063 x 10-44 seconds, are the fundamental quanta which together or separately define and quantify all the quanta of all the other physical quantities.'
These quanta are the numerical values in the Tables above and all are derived from T(q) and S(q).
It is clear from the above numerical analysis that this author's original estimate of space and time expansion directions was incorrect in previous Papers, and this reversal is indicated in the above Tables. Expansion is in the negative direction of both the X and Y axes.

Clarification of 'Dimensions'

Larson's discourse above on Space-Time Measure and the Reference System indicates a blurred understanding of exactly what constitutes a dimension, confused also by the inadequate reference system used in the case of Space. This author's Tables above clarify the meanings. The 1st space dimension contains all expressions which use S1 and S-1. Similarly the 2nd space dimension contains all expressions which use S2 and S-2 and so forth. It is clear that Time similarly has its own dimensions, T 2 and T -2 for example, and thus does not of itself form the 4th dimension, as is a popular conjecture in science at present. Time exists in all space dimensions but does not have equal value in all space dimensions, as the quantum values in the above Tables show. As Time contracts, so the quanta of Motions and Energies decrease in magnitude, the same result as for the contraction of Space, and vice versa for expansion of both.

Larson's challenge to science regarding the number of possible scalar motions is also clarified by the Tables above. For example the number of (equal) scalar motions in the 4th dimension of space and time, S4/T4, is four, just as there are three in the third dimension of space and time, S3/T3. It is the inadequate 3 dimensional reference system which puts the clarity of the mathematics beyond the limits of human physical comprehension. The Motions Table above does provide a quantum value for the resolution of 4 scalar motions, and that is 8.077596 x 1034. The unit of measure for that quantum maximum value is metre4 /second4. The difficulty most people have is resolving 4 different scalar motional directions in a 3 dimensional reference frame, and as Larson pointed out, they are not to be resolved as one would a vector sum, reducing it to one dimension.

From the above Tables it is clear that there is motion and energy in the 4th dimension, for example, which cannot be seen, measured, resolved or even imagined from within the current human illusion that space is limited to 3 dimensions and time is unknowable.
(One might speculate that is where the illusive 'dark energy' may be found, but not from within a 3 dimensional reference frame. A problem is not solved by the same reasoning from which it arose.)

Scalar Motions, Angles and Comprehension

It is readily apparent in 3 dimensions that the 3 scalar motions, ( S3/T3 ), are at an angle of 90º to each other, and that is supported by observation of electromagnetism, where the electric current, magnetic field and the resulting force are at 90º to each other, as observed in an electric motor or dynamo. The mathematics are simply 360º divided by 4 equals 90º between scalar motions.

Using similar logic, the 4 scalar motions, ( S4/T4 ), of the 4th dimension are 360º divided by 5 equals 72º between the scalar motions. The 5th dimension is 360º divided by 6 equals 60º between motions, etc.

Most people do have trouble envisaging a dimension where a 'right angle' is 72º. The distortion to perception is difficult to imagine.
There is, however, a theory of reality (with quite some credibility) which uses geometry to resolve some of the issues of mass, matter and quantum mechanics (some of which are unsatisfactorily explained by current theories) and which uses the 60º angle to construct models of energy and matter. This theory is called 'Tetryonics', and on the basis of its use of the 60º fundamental angle, is possibly (and unknowingly) based on 5th dimension concepts.
(For further details visit the community 'Tetryonics' at Google Plus, or at independent.academia.edu)

The discussion of a variation of angles between scalar motions according to dimension does allow some resolution of the conceptual impasse most people experience beyond the 3rd dimension, however the effects of the different angles and numbers of possible scalar motions are not known. It is likely a prerequisite that some comprehension of the possible precedes its successful study.