Friday, 17 May 2013

Time and Light Speed

Emerging Conundrums, Micro and Macro
Modern science has ascertained that some subatomic particle spin has a rotational velocity up to 1.37 times the speed of light, which does not concur with the scientifically accepted limitation of light speed, c. Similarly, the fact that our galaxy, which is about 100,000 light years across, has a rotational unity, suggesting that the connection between one side and the other is made by some governing agent which exceeds the speed of light. The solution to those conundrums may be related to dimension and its possible effect on relativistic light speed as observed from the 4th dimension. The Theory of Dimensional Relativity offers a logical solution to these conundrums through the substitution of the constant,c by the constant, c/t. The derivation of c/t is shown in the blog titled the Theory of Dimensional Relativity.

Time and Light Speed - Quantum Entanglement
We have a mindset wedded to cause and effect, and therefore have trouble comprehending the concept of quantum entanglement where there is no cause-effect progression. That with two widely separated particles one can have an effect on the other before it has been caused, such as a transmission being received before it was sent. Experimental evidence indicates that this is indeed the case. (The intention to transmit is
apparently enough to have an effect on the entangled particle if we must look at it in this cause-
effect manner.) This might suggest that quantum entanglement is independent of time and therefore of the speed of light. The strangeness of quantum mechanics to our normal perception of reality is underlined by our difficulty in perceiving outside the parameters of time. The Uncertainty Principle, the observation affecting the outcome, reversed cause and effect are all more easily understood if time is not considered as part of the issue. One might conclude that these quantum sized particles are not necessarily part of the same dimension in which we exist and therefore not subject to the same rules of time or light speed. The time / light speed of a higher dimension, such as the 5th dimension, as observed from the 4th dimension would make the experimental observations possible. Time is an inter-dimensional variable, not an absolute quantity.
Dimensional Disparity - Consciousness
It seems possible that our own 'consciousness' which can move back or forward in time at will, like quantum particles, may operate independently of, or from, another dimension, whereas our physical bodies are confined to the 4th dimension and are subject to the arrow of time and all that it implies. 
   It seems that our natural sense of 'self ', which almost universally means more to us than just our body, implies we exist in more than the body's dimension. That knowledge, although unproven, seems common to all humanity, and probably underlies most spirituality and religious belief.
It suggests that a change in energy potential from this or another dimension may affect our
ability to comprehend, create, solve and expand the mind, a process which history indicates can
move in both directions, as in ages of 'enlightenment' where knowledge is gained and 'dark ages' where knowledge is lost. That concept possibly underlies the art of astrology. Knowledge of the last 'golden age' has been lost and only vaguely perceived through legends such as that of Atlantis and Lemuria found in a number of unrelated cultures, although this is far from certain. Some archeological finds are more convincing evidence of lost knowledge, such as the ruins of Gunung Padang about 120 km south east of Jakarta dated as early as 16,000 years old, about which we know nothing. The knowledge of civilizations in equatorial regions during the last ice age have been largely lost to us.
Another area where we may be provided with a new paradigm by the Theory is that of the physics of the mind, an area often avoided because of the fear of ridicule and a lack of a point at which to form an hypothesis which can then be tested. Acceptance of 'virtual energy' as part of the explanation of the intangible aspect of the mind, such as 'thought' will enable a start to be made. The Theory provides an explanation of 'virtual energy' with the replacement of the constant, c, by the constant c/t and the probability of photons from a higher dimension which exceed the speed of light in the 4th dimension.

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