Saturday, 13 July 2013

Space-Time - Illuminating some on-going Riddles

Measure as a Function of Space-Time

(From work originally by D.B.Larsen, extended by M.J.Bull)

In the 4th dimension there are considered by modern science to be 3 spatial and 1 time freedoms. Scalar motion requires an interaction of space(s) and time(t), ( for example, speed = distance / time). Space, as far as we know at present, has three freedoms, which are length, width and depth. There are therefore three scalar representations of motion: s1t, s2t and s3t, where s1 , s2 , s3 represent the three spatial freedoms, length, width, depth. These 's' freedoms are not the same as vectors or vector sums which are one dimensional expressions which require a frame of reference to have meaning. In conventional scientific notation, any motions which exist in the other two freedoms cannot be represented, leading to a lack of understanding of what represents mass and gravity. Units of measure represented by space and time only are the most fundamental, and, as Max Planck proposed, can substitute for any other units we may have invented. Space-time units illuminate the nature of some phenomena which are poorly understood in modern science. The following is a summary of units of gravitation, mass, mechanical, electrical and magnetic quantities by their space-time units of measure. What is new, and illuminated by this analysis, is that Mass is in fact a motion, an interaction between space simultaneously in 3 freedoms, and time. Mass is reciprocal to gravity, which is similarly a motion in 3 freedoms of space with time. This view confirms prior reseach by M.J.Bull which has found that the relationship of acceleration to inertia is reciprocal, confirming scientific experiment over more than 4 centuries which has not been able to disprove the fact that different masses accelerate at the same rate in the same acceleration (gravity) field, otherwise known as the Equivalence Principle.


Gravitational motion (a 3 freedom negative speed, s/t x s/t x s/t) s3 / t3

Mass (resistance of gravitational motion to applied positive motion) t3 / s3


Speed (distance [1 freedom of space] divided by time) [speed is not vectorial] s / t

Momentum ( mass x speed, t3/s3 x s/t = t2/s2 ) a 2 freedom quantity t2 / s2

Energy ( ½ mv2, mass x speed x speed, t3/s3 x s/t x s/t = t/s ) t / s

Acceleration ( speed divided by time, s/t x 1/t = s/t2 ) s / t2

Force ( mass x acceleration, t3/s3 x s/t2 = t/s2 ) t / s2

Pressure ( force divided by area, t/s2 x 1/s2 = t/s4 ) t / s4


Electrical Energy (watt.hours) [EMF] t / s

Power (watt) ( energy / time, t/s x 1/t = 1/s) [a unit of space and not time] 1 / s

Voltage (volt) ( electrical force ) [ equivalent to force] t / s2

Current (amp) ( electric velocity ) [equivalent to speed] s / t

Electrical Quantity (coulomb) ( current x time, s/t x t = s ) [unit of space] s

Resistance (ohm) (voltage/current t/s2 x t/s = t2/s3)[no mechnical equivalent] t2 / s3

[Magnetism is a 2 freedom analogue of Electricity]

Magnetic Charge (MMF) [t/s x t/s] t2 / s2

Magnetic Potential (magnetic potential = force x 1 freedom t/s2 x t/s = t2/s3) t2 / s3

Magnetic Field Intensity (t2/s3 x 1/s) t2 / s4

Magnetic Permeability (μ) t3 / s4

From the foregoing space-time units, originally proposed by D.B.Larsen, some deductions may be made regarding their interaction.
1. Energy x Momentum ( t/s x t2/s2 = t3/s3 ) equates to the unit of Mass
2.Electrical charge x Magnetic charge ( t/s x t2/s2 = t3/s3 ) equates to the unit of Mass

3.Gravitational motion ( s3/t3 ) is the reciprocal unit of Mass ( t3/s3 )
4. Energy ( t/s ) is the reciprocal unit of speed ( s/t )

5. Acceleration can be expressed in N/kg ( t/s2 x s3/t3 = s/t2) or Force x Gravity, or Force / Mass.

6. Inertia (kg/N) (t3/s3 x s2/t = t2/s) is a reciprocal of Acceleration (N/kg) (t/s2 x s3/t3 = s/t2).

7. The Equivalence Principle can be stated in space-time units as t2/s x s/t2 = 1, or algebraically
a ί = 1.
8. Momentum (t2/s2) is equivalent to Magnetic Charge (MMF) (t2/s2). (Magnetic charge, unlike
electric charge, is not considered to have a particle which is representative of this quantity,
however its existence is analogous to momentum in the mechanical equivalent system.)
9. The space-time unit illuminates the relationship between electricity and magnetism, explaining
why the two are co-existent and inter-changeable, both together making a t3/s3 whole. It leads to
speculation as to its equivalent in the reciprocal unit s3/t3, gravity. What is s2/t2, with its
complement s/t which is current or speed ? S2/t2 is the reciprocal of MMF in the magnetic or
momentum in the mechanical system. It could be seen as speed (or current) in two freedoms.
Not sure what that means in terms of an observable phenomenum.
10.Space-time units settle another debate, in that force and potential are the same quantity with
the same units, i.e. t/s2 is the same for both mechanical force and electric potential or voltage.

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