Thursday, 19 September 2013

Physicists who read this may get a little bent out of shape - those who ignore it risk their relevance.

The Fiasco in Modern Physics called Gravity

Sir Isaac Newton is rightly considered the father of modern physics. In the 17th century he was able to fit his observations to mathematics, which could describe and link what he saw to what he calculated. From this he was able to then extrapolate those mathematics to predict observation. He helped pioneer what was then new mathematics, the maths of motion, now called Calculus. His mathematics were so good in describing reality that their accuracy in describing the motion of the planets around the sun is revered today.

Fast forward, through the 18th and 19th centuries (where understanding of electricity, astronomy, atomic theory, light and other phenomena added to Newton's considerable legacy,) to the early 20th century.

The one key missing ingredient was an understanding of where the force called Gravity should fit into the observations and mathematics of the universe. Gravity is key in that it is essential to understand its source and nature before the cosmos and everything happening within it can make any sense. Albert Einstein revolutionized thought concerning the nature of space and time, but struggled for all of his life to reconcile gravity to his theories. Modern physics has, after nearly a century, now shown that Einstein was correct in his theories. Modern physics is no closer to understanding the source and place of gravity. The current proposition that gravity arises as a result of the distortion of the 'fabric of space-time' is, most likely, in itself a fabrication. It sets off my own personal 'bulldust' alarm.

Modern physics missed the essential clue, which came from the work of Max Planck in the early 20th century. Planck argued that physic's units of measure were arbitrary, (somewhat like the old imperial measures such as a 'nip', a 'gill' and a 'hundredweight'). He proposed a set of 5 constants based on the physics of free space and quantum theory, not on any man made unit of measure. Planck's thought processes led to the mathematics which can convert any 'man made unit of measure' to a unit of measure that can be expressed in terms of the two fundamentals, space and time.

This thought process is not complicated if one begins at the simplest point. For example, most of us understand that speed is measured by distance travelled in a given time (km per hour). That is expressed mathematically as speed equals distance divided by time. S = d / t. The other concept most of us understand is that distance is a one dimensional expression of 'space'. Area is a two dimensional expression of space (s2) and volume is a three dimensional expression of space (s3). We cannot conceptualize time in a similar way, but mathematics can. For example 1/t is the mathematical expression of frequency, or 'so many thinga-mi-jigs per second'.

Without going into complex mathematical proofs in this article, it can be shown beyond any reasonable doubt that space-time (S-T) units can substitute for any other units in the physics of mechanics, electricity, magnetism and mass, whether Newtonian or Einsteinian physics, just as Planck proposed. If s = space and t = time, all units of measure are a combination of these two fundamentals.

Here is what mainstream physics has missed : The S-T units for electric energy (emf) is t/s, and the S-T units for the electric field (current) is s/t. The S-T units for magnetic energy (mmf) is t2/s2, and for the magnetic field is s2/t2. The S-T units for mass energy is t3/s3, and for the mass field ( = gravity) is s3/t3.

Mass is the three dimensional analogue of electricity, and gravity is the three dimensional analogue of the electric field,(magnetism is the two dimensional analogue). These three dimensions of mass are at right angles to each other just as the dimensions of volume are (length, width, depth). That is why the motion of a generator is at a right angle to the magnetic field, which is at a right angle to the electric current generated, and the electric motor produces motion from the electric current and magnetism for the same reason. There is no rational explanation of electricity and magnetism in current physics.

The implication of the above analysis between mass, magnetism and electricity is that mass is also a form of energy, not a form of matter. Mass has the S-T unit t3/s3, while the simplest particle, the up-quark has the S-T unit 'ts'. Mass and Matter are not the same quantity. The difference in energy between the three energy analogues is a function of the constant c, which is a very large number (3 x 108) . Between electricity and magnetism the difference is mc, and between electricity (or energy, which has the same unit) and mass it is mc2 as Einstein famously pointed out.

Gravity is in fact the mass field, or the field produced by mass current, analogous to the eletcric field produced by electric current. Gravity is a mathematical inverse (reciprocal) of mass. In S-T units, mass = t3/s3 and gravity = s3/t3. If they are mathematically multiplied by each other the result equals 1. In physics this is written mg = 1. The same applies to electricity and its field, and magnetism and its field. Gravity and Acceleration are not the same quantity. The S-T unit for acceleration is s/t2. So what is happening in the real world?

In a region of high mass, such as the centre of the galaxy or a black hole, we know the acceleration of the matter is high. Expressed in S-T units, gravity (s3/t3) = s/t2 (acceleration) x s2/t, which multiplied together equal s3/t3. The quantity s2/t has no name in science. It may be a good bet that it represents Hawking radiation which is observable in space coming from a black hole. If these two constituents of gravity are elevated then the residual gravity field is reduced. This fits with the equation mg = 1, in that if m (mass) is high, then g (gravity) is low for their product to equal 1.

In the reverse scenario, when mass is low, then gravity is high. This occurs in a region where there is little mass. Mass is reduced if its carrier, matter, is scarce as in empty space. That is why modern physicists are looking for 'dark matter' to account for the huge increase in gravitational influence from empty space. Dark matter and dark energy do not exist. They are man-made inventions to account for the misconception that mass and matter are the same, and that increased mass produces increased gravity when it is the reverse that is true. Increased mass produces increased acceleration of matter, while at the same time reducing the gravitational field. The energies are conserved by an increase in acceleration being 'funded' by a decrease in the gravity field.

Mass is an energy (as evidenced by nuclear energy, E = mc2 ) and Gravity is its field.

There are many questions which may follow this shift in thinking around mass and gravity. One which comes to mind is how to explain Newton's equation for gravitational force, the well known
F = Gmm'/r2 as the force of attraction from gravity between two objects. The explanation comes from Newton himself in his other famous equation F = ma. The first equation is not a fundamental equation, but one based on Newton's observation. The second is fundamental. It can be seen that F = m (Gm'/r2) If m' and r were set at 1, then 'a' would equal G. So the F = m (Gm'/r2) where the term in brackets equals 'a'.

The complete Table of possible S-T units clarifies a number of misconceptions within physics, however the most important one has been discussed above. Without the correct interpretation of mass and gravity, our research into the cosmos is doomed to raise more questions than solutions. This has been the case for 300 years.

The Table also is an excellent pointer to that which we do not know, which in turn drives thought and research in the most productive directions. An example of that can be seen above with the understanding of the already observed Hawking radiation being made clearer by the use of S-T units linking it with the acceleration of matter within a gravity field. Mainstream physics has no explanation for Hawking radiation. It now remains for physics to prove the mathematics, or not. Therein lies the value of mathematics as a predictor of reality, as Newton well understood.

Further information is contained within the Paper entitled 'Theoria Omnia' written by this Author in 2013, about 11,000 words, and is available as a PDF file on request, at

Word Count 1455

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