Saturday, 5 September 2015

Dark Energy – The Invisible Energy of the Cosmos

The mysterious Dark Energy which Physics requires to mathematically balance the calculations of the cosmos is indeed present. This paper explains what it is and where it is to be found.

Dark Energy – The Invisible Energy of the Cosmos
Paper 4
M.J. Bull 2015

The mysterious Dark Energy which Physics requires to mathematically balance the calculations of the cosmos is indeed present. This paper explains what it is and where it is to be found.


  1. Introduction

  1. Frequency Constants

  1. The G-field of varying Frequency and Wavelength

  1. Interpretation of the Mathematics

  1. Dark Energy

What is seen in current interpretations by physicists of (apparently) empty space is in fact the area of highest G-field energy, which has a lesser effect on the acceleration of a mass, and a greater effect upon the inertia of a mass. The misunderstanding of Inertia is the area of current physics which obscures the recognition and understanding of the huge reservoir of “missing” Dark Energy.

1. Introduction
The quantum physics equations and the variously derived constants, many of which can be credited to Max Planck's work, suggest that further consideration of the electric, magnetic and gravity fields, their inter-relationship, and exploration of where they belong in the electromagnetic radiation frequency spectrum may be illuminating.

[The mathematical and experimental proof of the E-M-G fields' connection is outlined in a previous paper (Paper 1) titled 'New Physics – The Relationship between Gravity, Mass, Magnetism and Electricity' to be found at , or on, titled 'Mass, Gravity and Unity', researched and written by this author. Papers 2 and 3 are also to be found as outlined above and examine Space-Time itself.]

2. Frequency Constants

As far as is known by this author, there has not been any published scientific consideration that the E-M-G fields may have a frequency. The highest known frequencies are associated with gamma radiation, which is of the order of 1025 Hz. The current electro-magnetic spectrum does not look beyond gamma radiation.

The equations relevant are E = mc2, E = hυ, υ = c/λ and λ = h/ρ. These equations are quantum and relativistic in their physics and sourced from the work of Planck and Einstein.
(where h is value of the Planck constant, c is Speed of light constant, υ is the frequency, λ is the wavelength and ρ is the Planck density.)

The Space-Time (S-T) units of measure (refer Appendix 1 and 2 of Paper 1) can be used to confirm the validity of the equations used to calculate the following Frequency Constants. The three fields compared are the electric (E) field, the magnetic (B) field and the gravity (G) field. (Note that the G field and acceleration g are different)

                         E field                           B field                       G field
Equation        E field = 1/mc2             B field = 1/mc           G field = 1/m
                                  = 1/hυ                            = c/hυ                        = c2/hυ

S-T unit                 s/t = (t3/s3 x s2/t2)-1 = s/t           s2/t2 = (t3/s3 x s/t)-1 = s2/t2         s3/t3 = (t3/s3)-1 = s3/t3
equations check        (t2/s x 1/t)-1 = s/t                 =  s/t (t2/s x 1/t)-1 = s2/t2           =  (t2/s x1/t)-1 = s3/t3
All correct (Note the Planck Constant h, has the SI unit of measure Joule.sec., a unit of Inertia – refer Paper 1, section 1 and Paper 3, The Energies)

Substitute values for h and c
E = 1/hυ = 1/6.629x10-34υ
B = c/hυ = 3x108/6.629x10-34υ
G= c2/hυ = 9x1016/6.629x10-34υ
(where h is value of the Planck constant and c is Speed of light constant and υ is the frequency)
The algebra becomes

= 1.508 x1033 = KE          = 4.525 x1041 = KB              = 1.357 x 1050 = KG

3. The G-field of varying Frequency and Wavelength

The above constants (KE, B and G) allow the calculation of the frequency and wavelength of, for example, the gravitational fields of the Earth and the Sun, which vary with the gravitational field strength.
Frequency and Wavelength calculations
υ G earth = KG /g earth = 1.357x1050/ 9.8 = 1.384x1049 Hz and wavelength λ G earth = 4.613 x10-40 m.
υ G sun = KG /g sun = 1.357x1050/ 274 = 4.952x1047 Hz and wavelength λ G sun = 6.058x10-39 m.

A maths validity check of these equations is c = υ/λ, both equations approximate 3 x 108 = c when rounding errors are ignored.
The Sun has a less energetic G field than the Earth, and a higher mass energy, and vice versa.

4. Interpretation of the Mathematics

The mathematics indicate that the smaller the acceleration of a mass through the gravity field, the higher the frequency of the gravity field, and therefore the higher the energy of the gravity field. This counter-intuitive result supports the validity of the equation Gm = 1 (or G = 1/m), and validates this author's interpretation of Inertia as an energy and its reciprocal, Acceleration, as a motion. That is observable in the gravitational vortex which is a galaxy, (but exceeds observation in the black hole at its centre). The motion of mass (stars) in the galaxy spiral arms do not obey the Newtonian concept of centripetal and centrifugal forces in terms of velocity, which indicates a (previously) unknown additional factor influencing their motion. That factor is a variable frequency G-field.

The mathematics (refer Paper 1 section 4) indicate that F = g/G, so, F (or acceleration of mass) decreases as the G field increases and as Inertia increases, again, counter intuitive under current accepted physics thought. The equation G = 1/m suggests that the G field is higher in areas of less mass. In other words, in the 'vacant' areas of space-time the G field (motion) is higher than in areas of higher mass energy (static energy). Mass and the Gravity field are mathematically reciprocal. The non-homogeneity of the universe is hereby supported because some of the permeating energy becomes mass and other of it becomes the gravity field.
A similar phenomenon is observable in the E field, which is a one dimensional analogue, and where static charge on capacitor plates (equivalent to mass) is reduced to zero when current (equivalent to gravity field) flows between the plates. This has profound implications for current cosmology theory.

The constant KG underlies a (variable) gravitation frequency many orders of magnitude higher than gamma radiation. This may help explain the vast reach of the gravity field compared to the other fields, given also that the gravity field is scalar motion (speed, s/t) in three degrees of freedom, the x, y and z axes and written in S-T units s3/t3 . These do not denote a position in space, but denote an orthogonal orientation between the axes relative to each other, (Refer Paper 1). The G field floods the vast expanses of space-time with its energy of motion, reciprocal to the relatively concentrated static energy that is mass. One is interchangeable with the other.

5. Dark Energy

It is the 'vacant' volume of space-time which contains the higher values of the G-field rather than the volumes containing higher mass energy. The G-field, more so than any other field, permeates the whole of space time throughout the universe. It is the spaces between galaxies where there is much less mass that contains the maximum frequency and minimum wavelengths of Gravity. That G-field is high energy in comparison to that within a galaxy where there is an abundance of its mathematical reciprocal – mass energy. The reciprocity of mass and gravity field is the key to understanding Dark Energy.
What is seen under the current interpretation in physics as empty space is in fact the area of high G-field energy, which has lesser effect on the acceleration of mass, and a larger effect upon the inertia of mass.

The misunderstanding of Inertia is the area of current physics which obscures the understanding of the huge reservoir of “missing” Dark Energy.
The Planck Constant, h, is in fact the quantum of inertia. (Refer Paper 3, The Energies)

It is also notable that the wavelengths of both the G and B fields are shorter than the Planck Length. This may be why the search for 'gravity waves' has been unsuccessful.

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